Exploring Country: Two Way Science Adventures with Nearer to Nature
On Wednesday 19th March as part of the Two-Way Science Programme some classes teamed up with Nearer to Nature Southwest and went out on country. Wetj and Yonkga spent part of the morning at Picton Ecoscape, we looked at the waterway there and what invertebrates are living there. It was fascinating to learn how wildlife in our local area is being monitored and the effort it involves creating a sustainable future for our native animals. After we had finished, we were given a first-hand lesson in rope-making skills by Mr John. These grass ropes would have been used to form snares, belts or head garlands for girls. We absolutely love learning traditional techniques!
In the afternoon Kaarda class went into the bushland in front of our school where they sent time discovering what is happening right below our feet. They discovered how the insects in the bushland and the gardeners of our ecosystem. There was lots of invertebrates to explore, collect, and examine.
Thank you to John and Jodie from Parks and Wildlife for sharing your valuable knowledge with us! Students loved the opportunity to take part in these hands-on activities.